Adrien Pacifico, Ph.D.

Economics of Taxation, Fiscal Microsimulation, Data Science

How does the French income tax work:

An Openfisca Notebook Story (in French).

Adrien Pacifico

OpenFisca is an OpenSource microsimulation software that can be used to explore the French tax-benefit system. In this notebook, I try to explain how does the French income tax work in some of its dimensions. Simply click on the "launch binder" icon to start to explore the French income tax.

Execute binder: Binder
Travis build: Build Status

Reproducible Science (in economics)

When data are accessible, less than 2/3 of the economics article are reproducible (Chang & Li, 2015). This could be due to many reasons, the most critical are the unavailability of the code used to produce the study, and errors in the code made by the authors (e.g the Reinhart & Rogoff case).

The use of administrative data is more and more frequent in the economic literature. It often contains sensitive information that researcher access through confidentiality agreements. Researchers are thus unable to give access to the data they used to the general public.

I plan write about Jupyter Notebooks as a good solution to allow other researchers to investigate how exactly results have been produced (with limited possibilities of alteration), without entailing anonymity of the sampled observation.

For the time being, here is some links that nourrish my reflexions on the subject.
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